Father of disciplined student calls for change in handbook

OBSERVER Photo by Damian Sebouhian Jim Markham, father of Forestville High School student Lewis Markham, addresses the school board regarding his son’s dismissal from the golf team for admitting to drinking beer while on a school trip to Costa Rica.
FORESTVILLE — Jim Markham addressed the board of education Tuesday regarding the disciplinary actions taken by the district against Markham’s son, Lewis, who was removed from the golf team as a consequence for admitting to having a sip of beer during a school trip to Costa Rica earlier this month.
Both Lewis and his golf coach Jack Dugan had addressed the board during last week’s regular meeting, and Jim, along with his wife, Carol, were hoping the board would consider taking action on the matter.
However, as the board was holding a special meeting for the specific purpose of approving it’s 2018-19 BOCES administrative budget, no action was taken in Markham’s case.
The Markham’s central argument to the board during public comment is that the disciplinary action against Lewis doesn’t match the language in Forestville’s 2017-18 Athletic Handbook.
“If a true zero tolerance policy was intended, then one only has to look at Pine Valley school’s handbook, which has a very clearly stated zero tolerance policy: ‘Use of alcohol will result in the immediate suspension for the duration of the sport season,'” Jim Markham said. “If this was the language used in our handbook, we all wouldn’t be here today. However, automatic full-season suspensions are the oddity, not the norm, for first offenders.”
Markham quoted from the handbook, saying “Furthermore, it states that ‘the penalty will tie in the seriousness of the infraction and will take into account the student-athlete’s behavioral history.’
“This entire language is stated in a manner to imply that discretion will be applied, depending on the situation, severity, and the student’s record,” Markham said. “None of these were considered when his penalty was enforced.”
The board listened to Markham’s presentation with no comment, moving on to the business at hand.
As such, the board adopted a resolution approving the 2018-19 tentative BOCES Administrative budget in the amount of $3,037,407.
The complete proposed budget is subject to a hearing, to be held on Thursday, May 3 at 5 p.m. in the Forestville Middle/High School library.
According to the school’s newsletter, the proposed budget totals $12,787,393, an increase over the previous year’s budget by $211,000 or 1.68 percent and includes a proposed tax levy increase of $84,420, or 2.22 percent.
Budget highlights include the following (from the newletter):
¯ Preserves the current level of academic programs, student services and extracurricular activities.
¯ Includes conservative use of reserve funds while maintaining the long-term financial integrity of the district.
¯ Continues to limit spending and improving efficiencies.
¯ Allows for equipment upgrades including classroom technology.
¯ Supports curriculum.
¯ Promotes partnerships with neighboring districts for educational collaborations and shared services.
¯ Incorporates a long range facilities improvement plan.
¯ Stays below the state imposed tax levy limit which allows our taxpayers to be eligible for the state’s proposed tax rebate.
The budget vote will take place on Tuesday, May 15 from 1 to 8 p.m. in the rear foyer at the high school. Parking will be made available in the back parking lot.
To find out more information on the proposed budget, go to http://www.forestville.com.