Thirty years ago — 1992
Fifty people came out in the rain recently for a ground-breaking ceremony for the new Cassadaga branch library of the Mary E. Seymour Memorial Free Library in Stockton. The project is known as “Helen Schauman’s dream.” Mrs. Schauman is the president of the ...
Thirty years ago — 1992
Michael G. Szalkowski, son of Mrs. Russell (Freda) Fuller and Norman Szalkowski, both of Dunkirk, graduated April 3 from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park with an associateÌs in occupational studies degree. He majored in baking and pastry arts. Michael, ...
Thirty years ago — 1992
At a recent meeting of the John W. Dill American Legion Auxiliary Unit 434 of Brocton, it was announced that the unit’s project, a Liberty Bell made of Legion poppies, won first prize at the county meeting of the Legion Auxiliaries. The bell was made by members ...
Thirty years ago — 1992
Gary Damico is shown presenting the Ninja Party Wagon to the five lucky grandchildren of Steven Davis: Chelsey Merrill, Nicole Pawlak, Alyssa Pawlak, Kenny Schunk and Kevin Schunk. Mr. Davis was the winner of the wagon given away by Mr. Damico and Freshmart, 12 ...
Thirty years ago — 1992
An ODD’s-n-END’s Factory Bargain Outlet store will be opening soon at the D& F Plaza. The store is part of a chain operation which has a reputation for large variety and low prices. The store features three slogans: “The notta lotta money for a lotta great ...
Thirty years ago — 1992
The city of Dunkirk is attempting to place the former Cardinal Mindszenty High School on the tax rolls. The Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, owner of the building, balked and raised legal objections, insisting that state law requires the building be kept on the tax ...