
Chautauqua County American Legion Auxiliary meets

The Chautauqua County Committee American Legion Auxiliary met recently at the John W. Dill Post 434. The opening prayer was offered, and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance as well as the Preamble to the Auxiliary Constitution.

Standing Committee reports were given by county chairpersons which are due by April 10 to their respective Department chairs. Certificates of Appreciation from the Chautauqua County American Legion were presented to John W. Dill Post 434 and to the Chautauqua County American Legion Auxiliary for their participation in the Department of New York Visitation luncheon and testimonial dinner in February. Judging of poppy wreaths, centerpieces, etc. will be held for those units submitting entries at the next meeting. Manufacturers coupons are mailed monthly to military troops overseas and are always welcome. The Blue Star Mothers will be sending care packages to deployed military troops on April 20; non-perishable items may be collected and brought to the April meeting.

Upcoming events include: The 8th District Auxiliary Spring Conference is being held on Sunday, April 14 at the Bliss Event Center in Bliss, NY beginning with registration at 9 a.m., meeting at 10 a.m. followed by lunch. A Bingo Party at the Buffalo Veterans Administration (VA) with hospitalized veterans is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m. All Legion, Auxiliary and S.A.L. members are encouraged to participate. For more information, or if you plan to attend, contact County VA&R Chairperson Lucinda Simpson (716-413-4541).

The next Chautauqua County Auxiliary meeting will be a Joint session with the American Legion and S.A.L. Squadron on Thursday, April 11 at 7 p.m. at Cassadaga Memorial Post 1280 (please note the change in venue). The American Legion Family has worked together for decades, promoting patriotism and national security while supporting youth and advocating for veterans and active-duty military.

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