Seniors note upcoming February events
The Dunkirk Senior Center will be holding a Super Bowl Party on Saturday, Feb. 8. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Lunch will consist of a hot dog, chips, dips and dessert. The cost of the party is $5. Tickets are available in the Senior Center Office.
Big Bingo will be Wednesday, Feb.12. Doors open at 4 p.m. with a light supper being served at 4:30 p.m. Bingo will start at 5. Players must purchase a $2 ticket prior to the date of the bingo game. This ticket offers entry and entitles the holder to a jackpot card. Social time is being held on Thursdays. Doors open at 11 a.m. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy each others’ company. 25 cent bingo will be played at 12:30 p.m.
Pinochle is held Monday and Friday at 1 p.m. Exercise class is Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. Mah Jongg is Tuesday at noon. Tai-Chi is Tuesday and Thursday at 3 p.m. Call the Senior Center Office to register for the next Cell Phone/Tablet class.
— Jan. 3 — Kathy Brinkman 565, Kathy Falco 559, Pete Miller 550, Susan McClelland 546, Betty Donovan 537; Double Pinochle Barb Smith.
— Jan. 6 — Betty Donovan 637, Mark Hazelton 585, Dave Trentini 584, Susan McClelland 583, Carolyn Hendrickson 570; Double Pinochle Betty Donovan.
— Jan. 10 — Mark Hazelton 631, Carol Keller 559, Kathy Brinkman 544, Fran Sullivan 535, Kathy Miner 526, Carolyn Hendrickson 525; Double Pinochle Pete Miller; Double Pinochle Nancy Mosier.
— Jan. 13 — Wende Adamczak 593, Barb Smith 543, Susan McClelland 540, Evonne Henneberry 539; Double Pinochle Barb Smith.
— Jan. 17 — Pete Miller 434, Mark Hazelton 417, Betty Donovan 415, Nance Szymanowicz 410, Kathy Falco 401; Double Pinochle Fred Keller.