
Author speaks Saturday in Fredonia library

Gail Lynn

Join in the conversation with Author Gail Lynn at the Darwin Barker Library in Fredonia on Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

Lynn will discuss her personal experiences during the COVID pandemic with a loved one battling the questionable mandates and fear spreading throughout the county in 2020-2021. After losing her mother in May 2021, Lynn found too many red flags to simply let go with a simple goodbye. “I wanted answers,” she states.

Experiencing tremendous grief with her mother’s questionable death, Lynn took a deep dive into the medical records, which set off many more questions leading her on a trail that included the Robert H. Jackson Center in Jamestown and finding numerous correlations to the historical genocide during World War II.

“Before I knew it, I was looking into the origins of the pandemic and driving around the United States looking for answers,” she said. “I emailed senators and went to various conferences to understand better. Month after month I collected pieces of the puzzle. I started seeing a bigger picture and then, as a scientist does, I drew a conclusion and formed a theory of what may have happened to my mother. In the beginning, I blamed the doctors. I blamed the CDC and health departments. … But then this bigger picture showed me something different, another correlation to my own prior sickness and healing journey.

“For America to be healthy, we must be honest and heal our wounded hearts. To heal our wounded hearts, we must forgive the past. To forgive, people need to understand what and why they should forgive. It’s time people learned, remembered, about the higher power governing our world. To know laws of Nature is to know laws of God, laws of physics. As America heals, only then can we be the great nation leading others to World Peace.

Gail Lynn’s books are pictured.

“Individually, we must heal our own heart. Cellular memory proves that stored up trauma from our ancestors keeps us in a loop of suffering, of sickness and war. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, all the great spiritual teachers from all cultures over the ages have taught us to love and forgive. Laws of physics confirm, every action has an opposite and equal reaction, just as all the great prophets states in some way the Golden Rule, ‘do unto others as you would have done unto you.’ When we forgive, we are forgiven. When we harm someone, we will be harmed again. What more is there to know? It’s quite simply, “as you sow, so shall you reap.”

Lynn is a an author of three books, “The Heroine’s Journey; a tale of love, forgiveness, and the implications of universal laws” published in 2020, “Return to Ho’oponopono; a pocket guide to ancient healing” published in 2021, and “Ventilated; momma’s story of covid, karma, and reincarnation” published in October in honor of her mother, Frannie.

For more information, visit her website. www.gaillynnheil.com

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