
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton offering Mass virtually

Pictured are Deacon Mike Lemieux and Father Walter Werbicki. Submitted Photo.

Since Palm Sunday, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has been bringing Mass to its parishioners via live stream on the Facebook page. Father Walter Werbicki, priest in residence and Deacon Mike Lemieux, interim administrator celebrate the Sunday 8 a.m. Mass for the parishioners at home. The Facebook page is averaging 25 views while live streaming, an average of 400 people reached and an 130 engagements. The video is later uploaded to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton YouTube page where it averages about 60 views per week.

Father Walter Werbicki and Deacon Mike Lemieux are proud to be able to bring Mass to the people. If you would like to view Mass live at 8 a.m. on Sunday, go to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton R.C. Parish Dunkirk page. You don’t need a facebook account to view the page, as it is a public page. If you are not able to watch the Mass live, you may view the video later on the Facebook page or go to the YouTube channel (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Dunkirk NY) where it is uploaded shortly after Mass.

Many efforts go into this video stream so hop on Facebook and take a look!

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