Dunkirk Senior Citizens schedule events

The Dunkirk Senior Citizens Center held its May birthday luncheon on Wednesday, May 26. Those celebrating May birthdays include: First row: Ted Lutz, Pat Pacos, Joseph Richir, Joyce Purol, Virginia VanDenVouver, Kathie Eaker, Deanne Tyszko. Second row: Paulette Morein, Alesia Zawilski, Jane Russo, Judy Krzyzanowicz, Diane Lokietek, Carol McCormick, Mike Mullen.
The Dunkirk Senior Center will be having a “Welcome Summer” picnic lunch on Wednesday, June 23, from noon to 2 p.m. The menu will include a hot dog, potato salad, pasta salad, baked beans and dessert. The cost is $2 per member. Door prizes/50-50 raffle will be held. Stop in the Senior Center office to sign up.
The first down payment of the Atlantic City trip is due in the office this week. The cost is $512 for a double/$777 for a single room. The trip is scheduled for Sept. 26 to 30. Travelers will be staying at the Resorts Casino. There are a couple of seats available. Contact the Senior Center Office if interested in the trip.
The June birthday lunch will be held June 30. Any member with a June birthday can attend. The cost to bring a guest is $5. Call or stop in the office to sign up.
The first two electronic classes have been held. Cell phone use was taught. The next class will be for Tablets and I-Pads. The class will be held June 23. Stop by the Center to sign up if interested in the class.
Craft class was held June 14 with many attendees making a rock turtle. The next class will be held in July. The Senior Center shopping trip to Erie, PA. including Boscov’s, The Christmas Store and lunch will be held in July. More information will follow.
Join the members on the Facebook Group – Dunkirk Senior Center. All events and activities are listed.
Social time is held at the Center every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy good conversation and 25 cent bingo. Pinochle is held every Monday and Friday at 1 p.m. Exercise class is held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. Advanced Tai Chi is held every Tuesday and Thursday at 3 p.m. Mah Jong has re-started at the Center. Mah Jong is held every Tuesday at noon. Members can stop in to try their luck at the bottle cap guess each month. Shelly Bull was the winner for May, guessing only two bottle caps away from the total 1,120.
Pinochle scores are as follows:
May 15
Donna Nickerson 585
Jane Penhollow 541
Nance Szymanowicz 524
double pinochle: Donna Nickerson
May 17
Jim Sinclair 556
Betty Donovan 551
Nance Szymanowicz 546
double pinochle: Jim Sinclair
May 21
Jim Sinclair 586
Nancy Mosier 535
Betty Korzeniewski 535
double pinochle: Nance Szymanowicz
May 24
Betty Donovan 569
George Stephan 527
Jeanne Hauser 506
double pinochle: Betty Donovan