
Intermediate School lists top students

The Dunkirk Intermediate School Students of the Month photo have been named for September. They include, back row: Caleb Bruno, Savanna Guziec, Michael Marrero Negron, Ivette Vargas Alverez, Makailyn McCall (Overall), Owen Lukach, Kobe Taft, Kayla Vazquez, Madison Baker, Aria Diamond, Ka’Liq. In middle are Aubrey Kuras, Dairyan Lopez Figueroa, Mikaela Hoffman, Declan Gollnitz, Aria Flores, Joshua Rosado Davilla, Sophia Monroig, Edrick Cruz Montalvo, William Bache, Dylan Neallard, Alanis Rosario Santiago. In front are Zy’Layia Maxwell, Max Bautista Guzman, Michael Felt, Amias Jusino, Alvien Sanchez Negron, Savannah Centner, Skylah Copeland, Jael Torres Gonzalez, Dalilah Klee.

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