Sorority meets for Christmas

The Ladies of the Brocton Preceptor Beta Epsilon Sorority held their annual Christmas party Dec. 12 at the beautifully decorated home of Marie Zambotti. Members brought a dish to pass for their buffet dinner and Zambotti provided the delicious dessert. A game was played with Christmas ornaments they each brought; they were passed around and exchanged and at the end they each had the perfect one!! Then “Santa Dana” gave out Christmas gifts from Secret Sisters with wonderful surprises and delight at each gift opened. The Ladies enjoyed a perfect evening. Their next meeting will be at the home of Margie Boltz on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. with Judy Travis presenting the program. Members will begin planning for their upcoming 22nd Annual Towel Bingo at the Brocton American Legion on Sunday, March 17. This event is always very special for the ladies to organize with the proceeds going back into the Community to help organizations and citizens needing assistance during the year. This is truly a Labor of Love for these ladies.
The Ladies of the Brocton Preceptor Beta Epsilon Sorority held their annual Christmas party Dec. 12 at the beautifully decorated home of Marie Zambotti. Members brought a dish to pass for their buffet dinner and Zambotti provided the delicious dessert. A game was played with Christmas ornaments they each brought; they were passed around and exchanged and at the end they each had the perfect one!! Then “Santa Dana” gave out Christmas gifts from Secret Sisters with wonderful surprises and delight at each gift opened. The Ladies enjoyed a perfect evening. Their next meeting will be at the home of Margie Boltz on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. with Judy Travis presenting the program. Members will begin planning for their upcoming 22nd Annual Towel Bingo at the Brocton American Legion on Sunday, March 17. This event is always very special for the ladies to organize with the proceeds going back into the Community to help organizations and citizens needing assistance during the year. This is truly a Labor of Love for these ladies.