
Shakespeare Club hears about children’s authors

A recent meeting of the Fredonia Shakespeare Club was held at the home of Karin Seager Cockram in November. President Ms. Sharon Klug called the meeting to order, welcoming the 15 members who were present.

Members enjoyed Mrs. Joan Larson’s presentation of her paper entitled “A Trio of Children’s Books by Contemporary Authors and Illustrators.”

Mrs, Larson chose to discuss books by Julie Andrews co-authored with her daughter Emma Walton Hamilton with illustrations by Elly McKay and E. G. Keller. She discussed the books “Waiting in the Wings,” “The Enchanted Symphony” and “The Last of the Whangdoodles.” “Lola and the Troll” by Connie Schultz with illustrations by Sandy Rodriguez was outlined.

Lastly, Mrs. Larson described the third chosen author, J. Philip Miller whose book “Milo the Meander” was illustrated by Stephanie Brash, the daughter of Kay Barlow of Fredonia. It was noted that Mrs. Larson wrote a statement about the book which appears on the back cover.

A biography and accomplishments of each of the authors and illustrators was read and the books were circulated among the members.

Pictures and artwork were emphasized along with a summary of the stories in each book. Mrs. Larson noted children reading books is important to her personally as a retired educator, and noted that both knowledge and pleasure can be gained through reading. Mrs. Larson encouraged the club members, as adults, to read and observe the stories in children’s picture books.

Dr. Leanna McMahon poured the tea for club members, who also enjoyed many delicious treats made by Mrs. Seager Cockram.

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