
Facility brings bond, ‘sense of belonging’

What do you look forward to? For some people with disabilities, the possibilities of what to do or where to go are still quite limited, especially activities that can improve their health and well being.

At Centaur Stride, we strive to make it a place that everyone looks forward to. It is so rewarding to see the smiles on our riders’ faces when they are at our center. But it is the stories from the families that immensely add to that joy!

One is from Claire Tomassini, mother of Matthew.

“Matthew first came to Centaur Stride for a class field trip in 2005, with the Jamestown School. He was very excited about seeing the horses but was unable to ride due to his medical limitations, specifically, unable to get his legs apart to sit on the horse. Now, with his two new hips, Matt is thoroughly enjoying this experience. This is something he can actually do by himself-with some assistance of course- but it’s something he can call his own. And it’s therapeutic, physically, emotionally, and socially.

“Matt needed a very gentle narrow horse. Soon after Matt began riding Dude, he volunteered to be one of the exhibition riders for an Open House. Matt showed everyone how to do figure 8’s, back-up, reverse, place the rings on the appropriate hooks on the wall of the arena and how he could stand up in the stirrups, all independently. These tasks may have looked easy but were huge achievements and quite difficult for Matt. Matt’s family was truly amazed and extremely proud of what he had accomplished in a short time. He has also learned how to care for the horses by grooming and saddling them.

“Matthew has an extremely rare disorder, a DNA repair deficiency disease. It affects the skin , hair, bones, blood, immune system, hearing loss, and he is cognitively challenged. Matt has been in a study for this disorder at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland since August 2003. He is one of their oldest living patients with this rare diagnosis. There is no cure.

“When we arrive at Centaur Stride, the comfortable, horsey smell and whinnies of the horses greet us. Matthew begins to prepare Dude for his morning ride. He curries and brushes, occasionally speaking to the horse. He lifts a saddle, the weight of it a substantial challenge, onto Dude’s back. Just as Matthew finishes and stands ready to lead him into the arena, Dude lowers his head to nuzzle and lick Matt’s cheek. Matt’s blue eyes sparkle, and a total smile covers his face. The accomplishment of completing the task is totally rewarded by the horse’s response.

“On this day, Matt joins two other special needs riders as their horses clomp softly into the arena. When it is time to mount, a lift brings Matt up to the stirrup level for his feet, he mounts, and off he goes. The instructor’s voice rings in the cold air.

“Matt never stops smiling. The challenges during the lesson are not work but totally fun and exhilarating.

“At home, he’s so into his horse that his bedroom is everything about horses-from blankets, sweatshirts, statues, books, calendars, picture frames, framed picture of a sketched horse, DVDs. Much of Dude’s tack and Matt’s riding gear was given to Matt as gifts-saddle, reins, blanket, brushes, crop, lead rope, and Matt donated much of it to Centaur Stride so others can also use it.

“Matt started riding for physical benefits, but it quickly evolved into so much more: the social aspect, the sense of belonging to something, to care for an animal as gentle as Dude and to get that unconditional love back- priceless! To have a physical handicap, limiting in many aspects, and yet when you’re on that horse, to experience that bond, that sense of accomplishment, but also the freedom and joy is a truly special gift.”

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Please help us to continue to help others. Our annual walk-a-thon is March 30. You can sponsor a horse/rider online through link: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/peer-to-peer/centaur-strides-16th-annual-walk-a-thon. Every donation counts!

Claudia Monroe is president of Centaur Stride.

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