

Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Coggins

Nickolas Coggins and Amanda Hanley of Forestville were married on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020. in the town of Arkwright. They dated for five years and were engaged for a year.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lee Gariepy Jr.

Mackenzie R. Maines and Roger L. Gariepy Jr. were united in marriage on July 18, 2020, at 3:30 p.m. at The Gariepy family property with a reception that followed. The bride is the daughter of Sara Klepfer and Mark Maines. The groom is the son of Jennifer and Roger Gariepy Sr. Escorted by her ...

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Allen Cosme

Noah Allen Cosme and Raven Skylar Chandler of Franklinton, North Carolina together with Mrs. Debbie Rodriguez of South Dayton are pleased to announce their marriage. The couple exchanged vows on Dec. 11, 2019 in North Carolina. The former Ms. Chandler is the daughter of the late Dewey and ...

Weddings, births and more

The OBSERVER wants to run your engagement, wedding, birth and anniversary announcements. There is no charge for anniversary (25 years and higher), engagement, birth or wedding announcements with a black and white photograph. There is a $20 processing charge for publishing engagement, wedding ...

Gianni and Kristine (Beatty) Martinez

Kristine Elizabeth Beatty and Gianni Alfredo Martinez were married on Friday, March 20, 2020 in a small wedding ceremony at the Davidson, NC, home of her mother and stepfather, Janie and Mark Hurley. Escorted by her father, Edward H. Beatty, the bride wore an Enchanting sleeveless and tulle ...

Mr. and Mrs. Alissa and Benjamin Crane

Alissa Odrzywolski and Benjamin Crane exchanged wedding vows on Oct. 19, 2019, at Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church. Father Dennis Mende performed the ceremony. Music was provided by Donna Gatz, organist; Alex Scalise, vocalist; and Cody Hiller, violinist. Readers were Stephen ...