
Community notebook

Towel Bingo

set for March 16

BROCTON — Sunday, March 16, the Preceptor Beta Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is sponsoring its 23rd annual Towel Bingo at the Brocton American Legion, Post 434, 110 W. Main St. from 1 to 4 p.m.

Doors will open at noon. A variety of colorful bath and beach towels are available for winners of this unique bingo game using player’s cards instead of regular bingo cards. A Chinese auction and 50-50 drawings will be held during the afternoon and a variety of delicious treats will be served during the intermission.

Free punch and coffee are available during the afternoon. The winners of the Chinese auction will be announced after refreshments are served. Money raised from this entertaining event is donated locally throughout the year to assist families and individuals and organizations in need of financial help or going through challenging times.

County League

of Women Voters

holding vigil tonight

The local League of Women Voters, in response to a call to action from the National LWV, will host a candlelight vigil at 8 p.m. today at the Gazebo in Washington Park in Dunkirk. All local groups and individuals who want to stand with the League in defense of Democracy are invited to join the vigil. Speakers are welcome.

Leagues across the country will join in solidarity for “Light for Our Democracy” along with groups such as the American Federation of Teachers, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Common Cause and many others. The Vigil is scheduled specifically to coincide with the State of the Union Address.

Children’s Center

to celebrate 50 years

The Campus & Community Children’s Center is hosting a 50th Anniversary Celebration to Honor current and past Staff and Board of Directors. The party will be on March 22.

Over the years, the Center has welcomed thousands of children, families, staff, board members, college students, faculty, support staff, and community volunteers. The dedication, talents, sacrifice, passion for young children, play, and learning of staff and board members made the Center thrive and will continue for years to come. Let’s celebrate, laugh, share stories, reconnect, enjoy entertainment, and play a game or two.

If you want to join us, contact the CCCC office at 716-673-4662 to register.

Brocton-Portland Seniors meet

BROCTON — Brocton-Portland Seniors met Feb. 25 at Tri Church Parish in Brocton. President Margaret Jagoda welcomed 53 members, guest Wayne Glaser and new member Bruce Woleben. The Valentine King and Queen contest winners were Tom DeJoe and Clara Wilder.

Committee members Anita Calcaterra, Kathy Peters, Denise Spiller and Barbara Crandall were thanked for Valentine decorations, candies, centerpieces and fun games that followed the meeting.

Their suggestion for a luncheon of soups, salads, sandwiches, lots of desserts was awesome. Brocton Central School is having its seventh annual Wellness Living on March 14 starting at 7:30 a.m. On March 16, the annual Sorority Towel Bingo is at the American Legion. Portland Congregational Church is having their chicken to go March 17 from 4 to 6 p.m. Portland Fire Department’s annual meat raffle is March 29. The Tri Church Parish – Alone – meeting is on the third Wednesday of each month at 11 am.

Calling hours for Fran Lus are March 13 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Morse Funeral Home and St. Dominic’s Church March 14 at 11 a.m. February birthdays were Kathy Hobbs and Todd McClenathan. Congratulations to George and Judy Travis’ 65 years anniversary! Door prizes went to Marie Emke and Denise Spiller.

Linda Burton, Deborah Gillis and Edie Seekings, are the committee for the March 25 meeting. Dana Corbin will speak about the May 22 Aging Expo, with bingo to follow. Members are to bring a dish to pass and their own personal table service. Dues are still required for 2025.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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