
Community notebook

Legion Auxiliary meets Tuesday

CASSADAGA — The Cassadaga Legion Auxiliary Unit 1280 will hold its monthly meeting, Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Legion hall. All members are encouraged to attend for thoughts and input for upcoming events!

Outlet store reopens in Silver Creek

SILVER CREEK — Dave’s Wonderland Outlet store has reopened after an issue with inventory. A Facebook post from a since-deleted account, Dave’s Outlet Store, stated, “Dave’s Outlet is permanently closed effective immediately.”

Dave’s Wonderland Outlet took over the sizable 18 Main St. building previously occupied by Petri Baking. The store opened in February of 2023.

For immediate inclusion in the briefly column or other relevant space, to be repeated weekly through March 2025.

County Legion Auxiliary meets Thursday

CASSADAGA — The next Chautauqua County American Legion Auxiliary monthly meeting will be hosted by Cassadaga Memorial Unit 1280 on Thursday at 7 p.m. Units are encouraged to have a representative attend.

Girls State supporting documents and payment must be sent to County Girls State Chair Dawn Ransom by March 15. Units are encouraged to consider donating to the Auxiliary Emergency Fund that provides immediate emergency assistance to eligible American Legion Auxiliary members devastated by the recent California fires. The next Committee reporting period is approaching with Unit reports due by April 1 to County Chairpersons and County reports due to Department Chairpersons by April 10.

Upcoming events include: Chautauqua County American Legion Auxiliary Joint Meeting with the Legion, Auxiliary, and SAL on April 10 at Dunkirk Memorial Post 62; the 8th District American Legion Auxiliary Spring Conference on Sunday, May 4 at the Bliss Event Center in Bliss.

Membership renewals for 2025 are due and can be paid in person, by mail, or online at http://www.ALAforVeterans.org. New members are always welcome. The American Legion Auxiliary is a premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.

Soup suppers set for month

WESTFIELD — Join the First Presbyterian Church, 49 S. Portage St., for Soup Suppers, every Friday in March, 5 to 6:30 p.m. There will be soup, salad and dessert! Dinner is by donation and all proceeds benefit the building fund.

Congregation plans Sunday service

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua, located at 222 Temple St., in Fredonia, holds a Sunday Worship Service at 11 a.m., both at their physical location and on Zoom. For those wishing to join us virtually, please visit https://tinyurl.com/caluucnc.

Click on “Worship Service” on the date you are attending and scroll down for the Zoom link. For those attending the in-person service, please follow the driveway and park in the lower lot behind the building. Handicapped parking is located between the two buildings and directly behind the second building.

The theme for March is Trust. On Sunday, the topic will be The Night I “Died” with Rev. Ron Skowronski.

In Christian scripture, it is stated that the last great enemy to be destroyed is death. In this reflection, the minister will engage the group in a study of how humanity has evolved its understanding of death. There will be a view from the 177-year-old Spiritualist Movement, Orthodox Faith points of view, as well as near death experiences … even the one where our minister “died.” Nothing bump in the night scary. Just bring an open mind.

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Northern Chautauqua strives to be a vibrant, welcoming, multigenerational, diverse community enlivened by the power of radical love. For more information about us, visit our website at www.uucnc.org, like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/uucnc, or give us a call at 716-679-7944. We invite you to join us!

Starting at $2.99/week.

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