
Community notebook

Club Associates to meet March 23

SILVER CREEK — The Northern Chautauqua County Club Associates will have their monthly meeting on March 23 at the Silver Creek Overseas Veterans Club at 10:30 a.m.

Stockton Library plans reopening March 28

STOCKTON — The Stockton Library on Friday, March 28 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for a reception to celebrate the re-opening of the Stockton Seymour Library for regular hours. The Stockton Showcase will feature businesses, creatives, and organizations from Stockton. The public is welcome.

School counseling committee seeks input

GOWANDA — The School Counseling Advisory Council of Gowanda Central School District is seeking insight into its program goals, recommendations, and feedback.

Parents/guardians of grade K-12 students and community stakeholders are invited to participate. The council meets two times per year – once in early fall and again in late spring. Residents interested in joining, email msgerardi@gcslearn.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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