Community notebook
Hydrant testing starts in village Monday
On Monday, the village of Fredonia will start flow testing fire hydrants in and around the village. The testing will take approximately one week. During this process, residents may experience turbid water and reduced water pressure. The village recommends that residents check the quality of their water before doing laundry.
Trinity United Church of Christ free community meal
GOWANDA — The Trinity United Church, located at Erie Avenue and Park Street, will host a take-out only free community meal at the Park Street entrance on Saturday, April 12 from 4 to 6 p.m. or gone. The menu is pulled pork sandwich, au gratin potatoes, vegetable, fruit and cookie. Free will donations are appreciated but not necessary. Drive East Main to Railroad Avenue and then down Park Street, following the signs, or walk up. Everyone is welcome. The next meal is May 10.