
Community notebook

CLCS board meets April 9

Members of the Chautauqua Lake Central School board will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 9 in the Secondary Library at CLCS.

Portland Fire Department meat raffle tonight

PORTLAND — The Portland Fire Department, located at 6481 W. Main Road, will hold its second annual meat raffle at the Fire Hall this evening, Saturday, March 29 at 7 p.m. Hams, turkeys, steaks, shrimp, pork and more will be included. The event features free refreshments.

Museum to screen ‘Qatar Stars’ Tuesday

The Darwin R. Barker Museum is hosting a screening of a new documentary film, “Qatar Stars,” and Q&A with director Danielle Beverly at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

Danielle Beverly, professor at Northwestern University and Northwestern University in Qatar, is the director of “Qatar Stars” (2024), a documentary about a girls gymnastics team in Qatar. The film explores the lives of girls and women in Qatar through the lens of team sports, including both expats and locals

The event will be held in conjunction with the Barker Museum’s current exhibit about sports, “We Are the Champions,” on display until May 3. The exhibit and event are free to the public.

Brocton-Portland Seniors meet

BROCTON — Brocton-Portland Seniors met Tuesday at Tri-Church Parish with President Margaret Jagoda opening the meeting for 55 members.

Anita Calcaterra shared a Prayer of Thanks and Brian Stanton led the Pledge of Allegiance. New members Russ and Sharon Plucinski were welcomed. Committee members Linda Burton, Edie Seekings, Jagoda and Debbie Gillis were thanked for table settings and cups of spring flowers for the raffle.

Buffet luncheon dishes of all varieties included delicious desserts. Dana Corbin, director at the Chautauqua County Office for Aging Services, spoke about vast services available to seniors and furnished pamphlets listing all services and phone numbers.

A CHQ card is necessary to use their services for bus transportation, eating out, free tax service and other services. Call 716-753-4582 for all three offices in Dunkirk, Mayville and Jamestown to get a card.

On Thursday, May 22 is the Senior CHQ Aging Expo starting at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Williams Center in SUNY Fredonia. A CHQ card is needed and a QR Code Registration is required to attend this event. Transportation and parking is being planned.

Cards will be sent to Marcia Zmuda and to the family of Patricia Ploetz, who passed March 16. Birthdays for March were Brenda Drummond, Becky Addington, Marcia Zmuda and Jane Perkins at 95!

Drawings for the cup centerpieces was held. Two door prize winners were Evonne Hennebery and Don Carlson. There were 12 happy raffle winners. April 29 is the club’s 50-year anniversary. Pat Cook and John Savage will be the entertainment with a catered meal of ham or stuffed chicken, red potato, vegetable and cake.

Sign-up sheets were passed and the cut off date for members only is April 22 with a call to Rita Bennett at 716- 792- 9091 for reservation.

Church plans

April 5 dinner

St. John’s United Church of Christ, 733 Central Ave., Dunkirk, will be holding a chicken and biscuit dinner on Saturday, April 5. Please note the change in date. Dinner will be served from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Price is $13 and includes dessert. Reservations are suggested. Call 716-366-0710. Tickets will be at the will-call table.

SUNY Day of Giving coming up

Join the SUNY Fredonia community, beginning on Wednesday, April 2, for its Annual Day of Giving!

From noon Tuesday to noon Wednesday, the SUNY Fredonia community will unite for 24 hours to support students, faculty and programs.

Every gift, big or small, fuels scholarships, athletics, and the programs that make Fredonia extraordinary. Plus, donations unlock exciting challenges and matching gifts – maximizing the impact.

Also, new this year — donors have a chance to receive an exclusive pair of Fredonia-branded socks!

Be sure to watch SUNY Fredonia’s social media pages for updates. For information on how to make a gift, go to https://www.givecampus.com/schools/SUNYFredonia/2025-day-of-giving

Starting at $2.99/week.

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