
Sinclairville chicken barbecue is Sunday

SINCLAIRVILLE — On Sunday, March 23, the Sinclairville Volunteer Fire Co. will resume its chicken barbecue. Full dinner consists of half chicken, scalloped potatoes, roll, pickle, applesauce, and cookie. Beverage is also available. The price remains $15 for the meal, or $8 for half chicken only. Eat in, dine out. Serving begins at noon and continues until all the chicken is sold.

Yard sale set for next week

The East Dunkirk Fire Department Auxiliary is proud to present its third annual spring indoor yard sale and vendor fair on Saturday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be at the East Dunkirk Fire Department at 10949 S. Roberts Road, Dunkirk.

Various merchandise is available, from those selling yard sale items. CDs, sports memorabilia, knives and swords, books, housewares, tastefully simple and crafts. Something for everyone.

There will be a basket raffle, 50-50 and refreshments are available for purchase.

Please come out and support the local fire auxiliary. For more information, call or text Renee Scott at 716-410-3572.

Author to speak at city library

What comes loose When You Shake the Family Tree? Find out on Thursday at 6 pm when local author Jill Krzyzanowicz — pen name Margo Reilly – visits the Dunkirk Public Library Reading Room to discuss her latest memoir.

Prepare for an evening of engaging conversation as the author elaborates upon the family secrets that were revealed following a DNA test. Learn more or purchase a copy at www.justbeingjill.com An opportunity to have personal copies of the book signed will occur following the talk.

Westfield Planning Board to meet

WESTFIELD – The Westfield Village Planning Board will be meeting on Thursday, March 27 at 5 p.m. in the North Room of Eason Hall for a work session meeting. Officials note that Short Term Rentals regulation will not be discussed at this work session meeting.

Poetry classes planned for April

SINCLAIRVILLE — Join John Brantingham, professor emeritus of creative writing, for a free, month-long poetry class during the month of April.

This class will be both in-person at the Sinclairville Free Library and online through video lectures and Zoom-based office hours. Each day participants will be given a new writing prompt. He will help individuals write poetry and publish it in a magazine. His students have published in the New Yorker, McSweeneys, and The Paris Review among other places. The class is free and participants can join in as little or as much as you like. There is an opportunity to participate in a poetry reading at the Sinclairville Free Library at 15 Main St. on Monday, April 28 at 6 p.m. The group will meet each Monday in April in person at the library from 4 to 6 p.m. for feedback and coaching, but you do not need to join these to be a part of the class. To register, email johnmbrantingham@gmail.com. In the subject line write, “Poetry Class.”

Registration underway for Easter egg hunt

Plans are being made for the First Ward Falcon Clubs annual Easter egg hunt and party on Sunday, April 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the club located at 341 Lake Shore Drive East, Dunkirk. The event is for all members’ children or grandchildren up to 10 years of age. There will be music, games, prizes and food also the Easter Bunny, a balloon twister and face painting will be available. Preregistration of $5 per child is required by April 6. Register in person at the club.


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