
Vaccination clinic planned for Gowanda Middle School Tuesday

GOWANDA — The Gowanda Central School District, working with Cattaraugus County, will be holding a COVID-19 vaccination clinic located at the Gowanda Middle School.

The clinic will be held on Tuesday. Students ranging from the ages of 16-18, as well as staff members who haven’t been vaccinated, can receive their vaccines at the school from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. From 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., the clinic will be open to the Gowanda community. You can reserve a spot on the school’s COVID-19 website, but Gowanda superintendent Dr. Robert Anderson said the school will also welcome walk-ins.

“People aren’t going to be turned away that didn’t sign up,” Anderson said.

Anderson said he believes Gowanda is the first school in Cattaraugus County to hold a vaccination clinic. He also anticipates 160 vaccination slots of the Pfizer vaccine being available. In addition, Dr. Anderson said that should the Pfizer vaccine be approved for kids as young as 12, Gowanda will look to have another clinic in order to heighten their chances of fully reopening next fall.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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