Village pivots, decides to hire new firefighter

Fredonia hired Bryce Fisher as a firefighter Wednesday, with the Board of Trustees changing course after receiving new financial information.
The board narrowly voted down Fisher’s hiring, 3-2, at its previous meeting. However, Trustee Nicole Siracuse announced Wednesday, “Several of us have been spending (time) since our last meeting … looking at numbers over and over again. It was brought to our attention that some of the numbers that we initially had were incorrect. The fire department new hire will not cost as much as initially proposed.”
In light of that, Siracuse said, she would be resubmitting the resolution to hire Fisher.
“I think we have no money,” Trustee Michelle Twichell said. “If we have no money, we have no money. That’s why we had to go out to bond (an $825,000 Revenue Anticipation Note approved last week).”
Siracuse said she didn’t understand how not hiring Fisher would save money, as staff would incur overtime covering for a vacant position.