
Online basket raffle raises $1,738 for Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation wrapped up the 2020 Online Raffle on April 5, raising $1,738! The Chautauqua County Crisis Response Fund and NCCF’s Service Learning Program benefit from this fundraiser. Thirty-three baskets were raffled.

The Chautauqua County Crisis Response Fund is deploying flexible resources to community-based organizations that are disproportionally impacted by COVID-19, the economic consequences of the outbreak, community and organizational recovery, and future community emergencies. Nonprofits interest in applying to this fund should go to the NCCF website for a link to the grant program.

NCCF’s Service Learning Mini-Grants awards grants to teachers in local school districts for projects that connect classroom learning with meaningful community service. To date, NCCF has awarded $42,691 for 99 projects that brought together almost 4,250 students and community members in ten school districts.

“Thank you for supporting these two worthy programs,” the foundation said in a news release. “To learn more, visit our website at www.nccfoundation.org. See you next year at our next Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser on Saturday, March 20, 2021!”

The NCCF, incorporated in 1986, is a tax-exempt charitable organization. Since its establishment, the NCCF has distributed more than $16 million in the community through its various grant programs. It is an organization inherently committed to enriching the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy.

For more information on the NCCF, visit www.nccfoundation.org or call 366-4892.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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