
NCCF announces flexibility in grants

For the remainder of 2020, the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation will accept grant requests on a rolling basis.

Foundation officials adjusted the foundation’s traditional grantmaking processes to focus on making grants as unrestricted as possible. The new process will allow for flexibility in responding to both the immediate and evolving needs towards the recovery of organizations and the community.

Grantees will have the freedom to expend grant money as they deem appropriate to meet their organizational needs.

Funding will focus on 501c3 organizations impacted by the pandemic, support direct COVID-19 recovery or have a history of significantly improving the community’s quality of life and well-being. Organizations that contribute to the community through art, culture, humanities, health, human services, youth services, housing, employment, food, environmental, and community development are among those eligible to apply.

Foundation officials will give priority to requests not otherwise provided for by federal, state or local resources. Applicants who have pursued outside funding opportunities will receive preference. Examples of other funding opportunities include but are not limited to the CARES Act and the Chautauqua County Crisis Response Fund.

Organizations that do not meet the eligibility requirements this year are encouraged to apply to the Community Grants Program by the next deadline of March 1, 2021.

Applications can be submitted through the Chautauqua Grants website at chautauquagrants.org/our-funders/nccf. For more information, email Eileen Ardillo, grants coordinator at eardillo@nccfoundation.org or call 366-4892.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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