United Way kicks off annual coat drive
The United Way of Northern Chautauqua County is appealing to all community members in the area to check their closets for forgotten clothes and winter coats, especially those for children.
Winter 2020 will be the third time the United Way of Northern Chautauqua County has launched its winter coat effort, an effort that over the last two years has provided more than 600 coats to those in need. The goal of the coat drive is to ensure that all children in the area have the necessary items to be safe and comfortable this winter.
“We had more than 500 coats donated last year, and because of that have a solid inventory this year to start ensuring we can meet the needs of our neighbors,” said Adam Dolce, United Way of Northern Chautauqua County executive director. “Those coats will go quick with snow in the forecast for the first time this week so it is critical that we get new donations in to replenish our supply.”
Collection bins will be available to receive donations at the Community Bank locations in Cassadaga, Westfield, Ripley, Silver Creek and Vineyard Drive in Dunkirk. The United Way office, 626 Central Ave., Dunkirk, will also welcome donations. United Way officials encourage business owners, schools, labor groups, and community groups to consider collecting coats from their employees and friends. After, they can contact United Way staff or volunteers at 366-5424 to present their items for the drive.
Once collected, volunteers from the Resource Center will utilize the East Main Laundry in Fredonia to launder the items to ensure they are clean and ready for distribution.
“The support by TRC, Community Bank, and East Main Laundry was key for last year’s coat drive, and we are excited to have their support for another one this year,” Dolce said. “These businesses and all of our workplace drives really demonstrate what it means to Live United.”
United Way will work with the Salvation Army, their partners, and other agencies in the region to distribute the coats to children in need. Families that are in need can contact the Salvation Army, on Central Ave for information on distribution.
Those who are unable to donate but want to help can visit the United Way of Northern Chautauqua County at 626 Central Ave., Dunkirk or visit unitedwayncc.org to sign up for the organization’s newsletter or to make a donation.