
Centaur Stride appreciates support, seeks volunteers

Sponsored by the Lakewood Kiwanis, Centaur Stride Therapeutic Horseback Riding Facility held its 15th Annual Walk-a-thon in March at the Chautauqua Mall. There was also an online portion, as well as the actual walk-a-thon.

Matt Tomassini raised the most at $3,935. Others who participated were Nadia Perry, Robin White, Nora West, Erin Guest, Claudia Monroe, Catherine D’Agostino, Debbie Lavesque, and Beth Ann Lundahl.

Together, a total of $5,610 was raised to help pay the hay bill for 2024. This year it will be over $7,500. “Thank you so much to everyone who has participated or donated to our great cause. The horses are an integral part of our programs and are very specially trained and cared for. They also account for the majority of expenses in our budget, but provide the greatest benefits to our participants,” Centaur Stride reported. “We are always looking for donations of good temperament, sound horses for our programs, and of course, are always in need of donations of money and supplies to keep our fees very low, making our programs and services affordable for more people. Programs are integrated for people with and without disabilities.”

There continues to be a need for dedicated volunteers to assist riders with disabilities, or with barn chores or fundraising. Centaur Stride will be holding another volunteer training class beginning Saturday. April 27, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. There is a $50 registration fee, and this class runs for four consecutive Saturdays.

Volunteers will be taught horsemanship, both on and off the horse, how to assist with riders, and other ways to volunteer at our center. Tuition for this class is subsidized by grants from the Lake Shore Savings and Loan Community Reinvestment Fund and the Live Like Luca Grant through the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation. Participants must be at least 13 years old to volunteer. Call the barn at 716 326-4318 to register. Class size is limited. Individuals can like the group on Facebook at Centaur Stride Therapeutic Horseback Riding. The website is www.centaurstride.org.

Donations can still be made on Zeffy.com, search Centaur Stride, or checks can be sent to: Centaur Stride, PO Box 174, Westfield, NY 14787. Centaur Stride is a not-for-profit 501 ( c) 3, and is now in its 31st year of providing services.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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