
County to hold Active Transportation Week

A CHQ Transit bus is pictured with a bicycle strapped to the front.

The Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development, in collaboration with the Department of Health and CHQ Transit, will hold its inaugural Active Transportation Week from May 13 to May 17.

County officials encourage local residents to utilize the county’s public transportation system – CHQ Transit – or use an alternative mode of transportation other than their personal motor vehicle. Friday, May 17, will also focus on riding a bike to work. This will be followed up by two family-friendly group bicycle rides in Jamestown and Dunkirk. Participants can jump on to ride with friends, coworkers, and family.

The local effort is part of a nationwide initiative aimed at reducing single-rider vehicle trips, cutting CO2 emissions, and fostering a vibrant, interconnected community. Whether it’s walking, biking, skating, bussing, or carpooling, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Such endeavors underscore the strategic imperative of prioritizing accessible and sustainable modes of mobility.

“Encouraging a greater number of individuals to embrace public transit, cycling, or walking isn’t just good for Chautauqua County – it’s a win-win for everyone!” said Stephanie Nick, Chautauqua County special project coordinator. “When our communities invest in making it easier and safer to get around without dependence on cars, we all reap the rewards. From substantial savings in healthcare costs and personal expenditures to fostering the growth of local businesses and communities, the shift towards accessible and sustainable modes of mobility is the way of the future.”

Information on bus schedules and prices can be found online at chqgov.com/carts/CHQTransit. Interested residents can also call CHQ Transit at 1-800-388-6534 to talk to a live person who will help plan the best route. Anyone interested in participating in Active Transportation Week can register at chqgov.com/events. Registration is not required, but will help with planning for subsequent years.

For more information, contact Stephanie Nick at 716-661-8214 or email nicks@chqgov.com, or visit CHQGov.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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