
Silver Creek Senior Citizens meet

SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on Tuesday, June 18 with 27 members present. Vice President Janice Snyder opened the meeting with the Pledge to the flag and all singing God Bless America. Chaplain Pauline Flitt read “A Prayer for Fathers” and gave a blessing on the members and the lunch of Sloppy Joes, salads and desserts.

The 50-50 raffle winners were Jan Polisoto, Earl Sheeler and Don Adams. Door prizes were won by Annette Hoeber, Kim Adams and Becky Fancher. Lucky card holders for the wheel were: Tony Borrello, Deanna Borrello, Ruth Sheeler, Lorrie Newman (3 times), and Ginny Chesbro. Lorrie called Bingo and winners were: Don Hoeber, Deanna, Pauline (twice), Earl Sheeler (twice), Ginny, John Czuba, Al Wilson, Ruth (twice) and Arlene Miller.

Everyone is to bring their own sandwich for lunch at the next meeting, and then everyone will enjoy strawberry shortcakes.

The club meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at 1823 Lake Road, Silver Creek and is open to the senior public. Anyone wishing information about the meetings, please call 716-934-2170.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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