
Silver Creek Senior Citizens meet

SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on Tuesday, Aug. 13 with 30 members and five guests present. President Sally Conover opened the meeting with the Pledge to the flag and all singing God Bless America. We welcomed back our Chaplain, Pauline Flitt who read “Contentment” and offered a prayer for those in attendance, and for the food prepared for today’s lunch. Sally welcomed guests Cindy, Debby, Brooks, Bobbi and Ginger, and reminded everyone to bring in items for the annual auction in September, then entertained with some jokes.

The 50-50 raffle winners were Ruth Sheeler, Arlene Miller, and Carol DePasquale. Door prizes were won by Annette Hoeber, Gina and Joan Suski. Lucky card holders for the wheel were: Judy Hahn (twice), Enabell Mirando, Lorrie Newman and Janice Snyder. Candy Weitz called bingo and the winners included: Carol, Ruth (twice), Marge Church (twice), Harry Suski, Eleanor Lemiszko (twice), Al Wilson and Cindy.

Tuesday’s lunch will be pizza, salads and desserts. ($2 per person).The club meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at 1823 Lake Road, Silver Creek and is open to the senior public. Anyone wishing information about the meetings, please call 716-785-1074.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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