20th annual Pat McGee Memorial Dog Walk planned
DUNKIRK — The Lakeshore Humane Society will hold its 20th annual Pat McGee Memorial Dog Walk on Sunday, Sept. 29 at the Lakeshore Humane Society Adoption Center, 431 E. Chestnut St. in Dunkirk. This event is named in honor of the late New York state Sen. Pat McGee who worked to fight animal cruelty and supported the Felony Animal Cruelty Law, also known as Buster’s Law.
The same day and location, LHS will hold a drive-through, take-out Weidner’s Chicken Barbecue, as well as a basket raffle. These activities are rain or shine. Dress-up your dog for this costume walk and contest (but all dogs are welcome to participate, even if not in costume)! As this is an Olympic year, there will also be Doggie Olympics!
Dog Walk check-in the day of the event begins at 10 a.m. The walk begins at 10:30 a.m. Registration is $22. This includes a Dog Walk t-shirt and goodie bag. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged to ensure receiving a shirt. (Registrations are considered as non-refundable donations to the Lakeshore Humane Society.)
Each dog must have proper I.D. on a collar or be microchipped, be on a non-retractable leash at all times, and have an up-to-date rabies vaccination certificate to present at check-in. For registration forms, go to the Lakeshore Humane Society website at www.lakeshorehumanesociety.org/shop.
The Weidner’s Chicken Barbecue is from noon to 3 p.m, by drive-through pick-up. Tickets are $16. Pre-sale tickets are encouraged. To order tickets, come to Open Adoption Hours at the LHS Adoption Center Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m., or go to the Lakeshore Humane Society website – www.lakeshorehumanesociety.org/shop.
All ages and members of the community are encouraged to take part in this fun event, while helping the efforts of the Lakeshore Humane Society.
For more information, see www.lakeshorehumanesociety.org or LHS’s Facebook page, or call 716-672-1991.