County to buy trailer for morgue
MAYVILLE – Chautauqua County is moving ahead to purchase a large trailer for its morgue, although a couple of elected officials do not support the move.
During the recent county legislature meeting, lawmakers voted 16-2 in favor to spend up to $100,000 to buy a trailer. The money is coming from the county’s American Rescue Plan Act funding, which was given to the county by the federal government following COVID-19.
During the Human Services Committee meeting beforehand, Dr. Michael Faulk, chief medical officer for the county, said one of the lessons they learned during COVID-19 is that there is a need for space to store recently deceased, especially if there’s something like a large accident, mass shooting or pandemic. “It is challenging to find space for our decedents, to provide them the dignity they deserve,” he said.
He noted that local hospitals and funeral homes generally don’t have much room for recently deceased, outside of ones they are already caring for.
Faulk said they looked into building a structure or retro-fitting an existing building, but determined that a portable trailer would be more cost efficient. “The cooler itself would probably be somewhere around $50,000 to $75,000 and we have a budget of $100,000,” he said.
The large trailer would have a portable refrigerated unit in it.
Faulk also said the trailer would allow the county’s coroner to do autopsies instead of always sending them to Erie County, which is more costly. The county has to send suicides, homicides, traumatic deaths and overdoses to the Erie County Medical Examiner’s Office. Non-suspicious deaths can be examined by the county’s own coroner.
The county previously authorized the purchase of a vehicle to transport individuals. Faulk said that vehicle will be able to tow the trailer they are looking to purchase.
Faulk said the trailer will be placed in a secure, private location, away from the general public.
The trailer could hold a dozen bodies easily and up to 16 bodies if necessary. Faulk said even though the trailer is large enough for a mass casualty, they will be able to use it for regular use.
Legislator Susan Parker, D-Fredonia, questioned the need for a trailer that large. She argued that if there is a mass casualty neighboring counties would be able to help out.
Anthony Sheckles, the county’s supervising coroner, said the large space allows for more room to work. Also, he said even though mass casualties are rare, it’s not impossible.
During the full legislature meeting, Parker reiterated her concerns about the size of the trailer, questioning the need.
She also noted that in Ohio, counties are permitted to rent trailers for their coroner departments and would like to see if something like that could be done in Chautauqua County.
Joining her in her opposition to the resolution was Legislator Fred Larson, D-Jamestown.
Larson also voted against the resolution to move money from the county’s unassigned fund balance to pay for additional safety net costs, including temporary housing.
After the meeting Larson commented on his vote. “The resolution didn’t really explain why we were $2 million short and why we’re just casually using $2 million of the fund balance tonight. I didn’t have enough justification to use $2 million like that,” he said.