
Democracy vigil held

Tuesday evening, concerned citizens gathered for a candlelight vigil in support of democracy at the gazebo in Washington Park in Dunkirk. The gathering was organized by the Chautauqua League of Women Voters in response to a call to action from the National League, called “Light for Our Democracy.” Vigils were held across the country, and the LWV partnered in this endeavor with many other national groups such as the American Federation of Teachers, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Common Cause. The vigil was scheduled specifically to coincide with the President’s address to Congress. A crowd of 80 or more attended the Dunkirk vigil. In Jamestown, around 90 people also gathered on Tracy Plaza in response to the call from the LWV, and in solidarity with the growing movement of citizens worried about the state of our government and the future of our country. Speakers voiced the concerns of those attending.

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