Parking changes take effect April 5
With the following changes, spring and summer parking regulations will take effect for alternate and overnight parking.
— Overnight parking: Regulations regarding overnight on main streets, including Central Avenue, Lakeshore Drive, Brigham Road, Doughty Street, Main Street and numerous smaller side streets, will conclude on Sunday, April 6 and will not resume until Sunday, Nov. 2.
— Alternate parking: Parking will change back to weekly as follows: Effective at 5 p.m. starting Sunday, April 6 and continuing through Sunday, Nov. 2 in one-week intervals, commencing at 5 p.m. on any odd-numbered Sunday, parking will be allowed on the odd-numbered side of the affected streets. Conversely, on any even-numbered Sunday, parking will be permitted on the even-numbered side of the affected roads. The day of the month at 5 p.m. on Sunday dictates the side on which parking is allowed for the upcoming week. Courtesy tags will be distributed as reminders for a limited time. After that period, parking summonses will be issued. “We encourage everyone to switch at 5 p.m. to avoid receiving a parking ticket,” police said.
The City of Dunkirk and the Police Department do not aim to issue parking summonses for violations. Proper parking is essential for public safety, ensuring that streets remain open and accessible to emergency vehicles at all times. “We want to remind everyone that, if necessary, we will tow vehicles that obstruct access for emergency vehicles or pose a hazard to public safety,” the release said. “Proper parking also allows Public Works to access streets for repairs and maintenance.
“We sincerely appreciated our residents’ help last winter in moving their vehicles promptly during snowstorms. Your cooperation kept the streets clear for plows and emergency vehicles. Thank you!
“Once again, we urge everyone to help keep the City of Dunkirk as a safe environment for residents, businesspeople, and visitors to enjoy. If you have any questions about parking regulations, please get in touch with the Police Communications Desk at 716-366-2266.”