Participants sought for annual Memorial Day Parade

The City of Dunkirk Festivals and Special Events department are proud to announce the Annual Memorial Day Parade in downtown Dunkirk on Monday, May 26. The parade is sponsored by Chautauqua Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Refresco, Dunkirk Memorial Post 62 and Central Station Restaurant. The day will begin with a memorial service at 8:30 a.m. at the Dunkirk Lighthouse presented by the Knights of Columbus and a 10 a.m. memorial service at Memorial Park directed by the Dunkirk Joint Veterans Council. The parade begins at 11 a.m. and will travel on Central Avenue and end at Washington Park with a hydration station hosted by Revitalize Dunkirk. Miniature flags for waving will be distributed to families along the parade route while supplies last. Memorial Day was established on May 29, 1863, as a designated day for the purpose of strewing flowers over the graves of our dead veterans who had died in defense of our country. For more information about being a parade participant and/or event sponsor, please contact Scott Mekus, Dunkirk Festivals event specialist at (716) 366-9848 or