
Session talks funding for lake projects

Photo courtesy of Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper A bird’s eye view of Ellicott Island Park in Amherst during the construction for a living shoreline restoration project to address significant erosion issues along the bank. The project was supported by funds from the NY Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program.

The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and New York Sea Grant have announced $200,000 funding is now available for projects benefiting New York’s Great Lakes basin by demonstrating the application of ecosystem-based management approaches to local watershed challenges.

Projects selected will implement the goals of the New York Great Lakes Action Agenda and address actions specifically identified in locally-supported water quality, natural resources, or sustainable land use plans. Interested applicants are encouraged to join New York Sea Grant’s informational webinar at noon Wednesday to learn more about project requirements and application process. Register with New York Sea Grant at New York’s Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program or call (716) 270-2490.

“The Great Lakes are integral to the health of the region’s ecosystems, drinking water quality, and local economies and DEC is grateful to have New York Sea Grant and grant partners helping advance the New York Great Lakes Action Agenda’s goals,” Department of Environmental Conservation Acting Commissioner Amanda Lefton said. “This program provides $200,000 of crucial funding to locally-driven efforts that benefit New York’s Great Lakes communities and protect this vital resource.”

“Through this grant program, New York Sea Grant and the Department of Environmental Conservation are supporting innovative, community-driven projects that address critical challenges and opportunities in the Great Lakes region,” New York Sea Grant Institute Associate Director Katherine Bunting-Howarth, J.D., Ph.D., said. “We look forward to seeing the positive impact of this year’s funded projects.”

Those eligible to apply include not-for-profit organizations; municipalities, county and local government entities; public agencies, such as regional planning and environmental commissions; and educational institutions including, but not limited to, public and private K-12 schools, colleges, and universities. Budget requests cannot exceed $40,000. The application form and guidelines can be found at New York’s Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program.

The New York Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program supports stakeholder-driven efforts to restore and revitalize the state’s Great Lakes region using ecosystem-based management and is funded through the New York State Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) and Article 14 of Environmental Conservation Law. New York Sea Grant administers the New York Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program in partnership with the DEC’s Great Lakes Program.

Among the many environmental highlights in the 2025-26 Executive Budget, Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed to maintain the historically high level of $400 million in EPF funding. The EPF supports climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, improves agricultural resources to promote sustainable agriculture, protects water sources, advances conservation efforts, and provides recreational opportunities for New Yorkers.

New York Sea Grant, a cooperative program of Cornell University and the State University of New York, is one of 33 university-based programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program. Since 1971, New York Sea Grant has promoted coastal vitality, environmental sustainability, and citizen awareness about the State’s marine and Great Lakes resources. New York Sea Grant maintains Great Lakes offices in Buffalo, Newark, and Oswego. Visit NY Sea Grant for updates on Sea Grant activities. Connect with New York Sea Grant on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


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