
Silver Creek Senior Citizens meet

SILVER CREEK – The Silver Creek Seniors met on March 4 with 18 members present.

Vice President Janice Snyder opened the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag and all singing God Bless America. Pauline Flitt read “I Walked with God Today”, and offered a prayer for the members and the meal. Lunch included stuffed shells, baked beans, stuffing wrapped in sliced turkey, marinated carrots, salads, homemade pashka and glazed donuts.

The 50-50 winners were Jen Zlotnick, Pauline and Lorrie Newman. Winners of the door prizes were Becky Fancher, Pauline and Sue Borowski. Wheel of Fortune lucky winners included: Annette Hoeber, Gene Chesbro, Harry Suski, Pauline, Sue and Arlene Miller. Janice called bingo and winners included Pauline (twice), Al Wilson, Jeanne Blakely (twice), Lorrie (twice), Ginny Chesbro, Arlene, Randy Nurmi, Annette, Jen, and Harry. Tuesday’s lunch will feature pizza and desserts.

The Silver Creek Seniors meet every Tuesday at 1 p.m. For information call 716-934-2170.

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