
Jamestown rally seeks Trump impeachment

Photo by Jordan W. Patterson A "Nobody Is Above The Law" rally began outside Congressman Tom Reed's office in Jamestown. The participants then marched to Dow Park where the rally continued.

JAMESTOWN – Strategically positioned at Main and Second streets, detractors of President Donald Trump hoisted signs calling for his impeachment outside Congressman Tom Reed’s office.

“I’m out here because Trump is corrupt. He’s constantly breaking the law and nobody cares. Nobody cares, but the American people care,” said Carol Michelson, who was holding a sign that read “Nobody Is Above The Law.”

The “Nobody Is Above The Law” rally was one of many across the nation that called for the president’s impeachment ahead of the U.S. House of Representatives vote regarding the matter today.

Reed, a Republican, has continuously voiced his opposition to the impeachment process of Trump. At a Nov. 8 town hall meeting in Falconer, he reiterated his support for the 45th president.

“As I have publicly stated, and I’ll state here again, I do not support the impeachment process. I do not support the inquiry. I think when you look at impeachment, I think the lessons of President (Bill) Clinton and the lessons of President (Richard) Nixon when impeachment is employed historically, we’re talking about overturning a duly held election in America,” Reed said at the time.

For many outside his Jamestown office Tuesday, they were disappointed in the congressman’s stance.

Andrea Hatfield, a Jamestown resident, was holding a sign that displayed Reed’s office phone numbers. For Hatfield, her presence at the rally was to remind Reed of his duties.

“I’m out here because I feel it’s our job to remind our congressman to defend the constitution,” Hatfield said. “My sign is pretty nonpartisan. It just gives his phone number in Washington. It’s a very frightening time right now I think. I think the Congress is not using its power to check the power of the executive branch, and they need to.”

Those participating in the rally marched through the city to Dow Park at Washington and Sixth streets. Outside Reed’s office, about 50 people stood in protest. Before the group departed to the park, participants even began singing “God Bless America.”

For Elaine Joneson, who stated her participation was to support the constitution and urge Trump to testify, the rally is a method of raising awareness of how Americans feel about the current state of the government.

“I think it raises awareness and if anybody is possibly on the fence it might make clear to them that they’re not alone. People who already side with Trump and don’t care what he does I don’t think it’s going to change their minds. And it helps me. If I stand up for what I believe is right, it helps me.”

While most were admitted liberals, registered Democrats or independents, at least one individual participating in the rally was a registered Republican. Chuck Hall, a local attorney for 42 years,

“I’m a Republican. Have been all my life. I believe in truth and integrity and balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility and free trade and you name it. That’s a Republican standpoint and we’ve seen none of that. Especially the truth angle,” Hall said. “He’s got more lies in one year than other presidents do in two terms. It’s crazy. So, I’m sorry I just can’t follow this guy.”

Hall also expressed his disappointment in Reed’s comments at the recent town hall referring to accusations against Trump having “no smoking gun evidence.” However, Hall believed there is “plenty of evidence” against Trump.

But for those participating in the rally, including himself, he believed it showed that “the country is more important than the party.”

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