Cassadaga Winter Fest debuting new events

Submitted Photo The Cassadaga Winter Fest is set for Feb. 8-9.
Special to the OBSERVER
CASSADAGA — The Citizens for a Better Cassadaga is pleased to announce its fourth annual Winter Festival, which will take place (with or without snow) on Feb, 8 and 9. There are activities for the brave, the chicken and everyone in between. There will be Winter Fest specials at the local restaurants all weekend, too. Check out Shurfine, Whiskey Hill Saloon, Jojo Asian Cafe and Cassadaga Country Club.
On Saturday, Feb. 8, the festivities begin at 7 a.m. with the Frozen 50K — a no frills (no shirts, no medals — just fun) ultra-running event for those that love to run or walk. The Lower Lake in Cassadaga hosts a perfectly distanced 5K loop and this event will have you run/walk one to 10 loops depending on what you feel that day. A warming station will be provided with coffee and hot cocoa. A pancake breakfast will be offered for all participants when they finish their loops as well as some Southern Tier Brewing Company beer.
Finishers will get bragging rights and their times published. Meet at the Cassadaga Fire Hall, 22 Mill St. Registration begins at 6 a.m. There will be a $5 entrance fee with ALL proceeds going to the Cassadaga Volunteer Fire Department. Race day registration is available. For on-line registration, visit This event is sponsored by Wilson Endurance Sports.
Next is the first polar bear plunge ever in Cassadaga Lake! It is aptly named “Ice-SCREAM Dip” and will take place at Cassadaga Beach on Park Avenue at 9 a.m. Extra parking may be found at the Cassadaga Fire Hall. There is a $20 entry fee with registration starting at 8 a.m. For on-line registration, visit Prizes for the best scream! Take bets that you will or won’t go in. Win or lose – all proceeds go to Cassadaga Library and Cassadaga Volunteer Fire Department. Not brave enough? The $20 fee can also be used to join the Chicken Club. Onlookers are needed to cheer on the dippers. Bring your pompoms! This event is sponsored by the Red House for Youth assisted by the Cassadaga Volunteer Fire Department and Chautauqua County Water Emergency Team.
At 10 a.m. at Cassadaga Library, 18 Maple Ave., is a free nature program for all ages. “For the Birds,” presented by Melanie Smith from the Roger Tory Peterson Institute, will explore the world of birds that we find in our own backyards. There will be bird-related games and crafts. This is one of the few Saturday activities that takes place inside so take advantage of this time to get warmed up. This event is sponsored by the Cassadaga Library and Citizens for a Better Cassadaga.
From noon to 2 p.m., there will be sledding and a snowman contest at the Cassadaga Country Club, 55 Frisbee Road. If you haven’t gone sledding on the hill at the CCC, you need to do this! Prizes for the best snowmen as well! Get warmed up inside the clubhouse with free hot chocolate and cookies. In case of lack of snow, there will be a snowman contest inside (details are a secret). Boy Scout Troop 219 and Cassadaga Country Club are our sponsors
There will be wagon rides from 2-4 p.m. to Candy Land! The wagon leaves the Cassadaga Country Club and will go to Candy Land in Lily Dale. There will be lots of fun activities and games for children. If you are not brave enough to take the wagon, you can drive yourself over as well. For the adults, there is a tour of Lily Dale museum which is at the top of Library Street. This tour is really interesting and should not be missed! These free events are sponsored by the Cassadaga Lakes Association and Lily Dale Assembly.
There is another chance to get warmed up at the Winter Ball from 7-10 p.m. BIG TONE, a favorite band of local Cassadagians, will play oldies, rock and blues at the Legion, 228 Maple Ave. Big Tone features Willie Fuentes on bass, Keith Medley on guitar and vocals, Randy VanWey on drums and Cassadaga’s own Kevin Way on piano and organ. No cover charge and complementary snacks. This event is sponsored by the American Legion Post 1280 and the Village of Cassadaga. That ends Saturday’s events!
On Sunday, there is a Pancake Breakfast at the Cassadaga Fire Hall, 22 Mill St., 8-11 a.m.. Pre-sale tickets are $4 children, $7 adults. Tickets will be $1 more at the door. Boy Scout Troop 219 is sponsoring this and will be aided by the Cassadaga Food Pantry crew. The Cub Scouts will also have a bake sale. Proceeds from the bake sale go to the Cassadaga Food Pantry.
At 1 p.m., there is a Corn Hole Tournament at the Legion, 228 Maple Ave. There is a $10 entry fee for each competitor. For on-line registration, visit Teams and individuals are welcome. Individuals may team up at the event for play. There will be trophies & prizes. (1st team – $75, 2nd team – $50). All proceeds support the CVCS Boys Basketball Boosters. There will be complementary snacks and pop. The CVCS Boys Basketball Boosters are sponsoring this with the assistance of the American Legion Post 1280.
At 3 p.m., the public will have its first opportunity to explore the new Cassadaga Lakes Nature Park! Just purchased by the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy aided by the Cassadaga Lakes Association, this reserve boasts 77 acres of pristine forest and wetlands and is home to thousands of our native tree, plant and wildlife species. Come snowshoe, cross-country ski (or hike if there is no snow) and you will be amazed that this is in our backyard! Due to lack of parking area, attendees will be carpooling from the Cassadaga Fire Hall on 22 Mill Street. Please meet there at 2:30 with departure set for 2:45 p.m. and on the way into the park by 3 p.m.
All Winter Festival events are spaced, so you can actually attend every one! Even if you did not attend every event, all are invited to the Survivors’ Gathering at 4:30 p.m. at the Whiskey Hill Saloon, 12 N. Main St. for a Dutch treat celebration. Join us! For more information, call 665-8855.