Council may reverse decision on car show
The Lowriginal Car Show that had previously been voted down at the Feb. 16 meeting of the Dunkirk Common Council is being considered once more.
Dunkirk will hold a Department of Public Works meeting on Friday at 3 p.m. and one topic of discussion will be the show planned for July with a few of its members present. Councilman-at-large Paul VanDenVouver said Tuesday.
According to VanDenVouver, these clubs took it upon themselves to cut chains to garbage cans and picnic tables to move them around. He said they also wrecked tables and grills, trashed the new restrooms and defecated in paper plates that had to be cleaned by city workers the next morning.
he said.
VanDenVouver would like groups coming to the city to rent facilities to set up a meeting with the council as he feels it is not the council’s obligation to contact them.
VanDenVouver added.
Members of the Lowriginal Car Club were upset their show proposed for Point Gratiot in the city of Dunkirk was nixed last month by the Common Council.
member Joe Colon told the OBSERVER recently.
According to Colon, in 2019 the show brought in 562 cars and it practically doubles in size every year, so the space is desperately needed. Colon added.