Westfield tackles day with guest
- Westfield teachers, students and administrators take part in Read Across America.
- Buffalo Bill Harrison Phillips read “Sneetches” to Westfield classes this month.
Westfield teachers, students and administrators take part in Read Across America.
Westfield Elementary School celebrated Read Across America on March 2nd with many guest readers and activities that reinforced the concept of same and different.
The highlight of the day was well-known Buffalo Bill, defensive lineman Harrison Phillips, No. 99, reading the Dr. Seuss book, “Sneetches,” via zoom. All students in grades pre-K through 5 were able to participate.
The celebration of reading had many components for the students to participate with their class. Photo opportunities were given for individual and groups in a safe manner throughout the day. Children created a Sneetch craft project and worked on thematic packets at their level. A special time was given for Westfield School Board members to read to each grade level via zoom. Superintendent, Michael Cipolla, also was a guest reader for the entire school. Students participated with their own quiet reading time in their individual classrooms.
The Westfield Academy & Central School lunchroom coordinated the lunch and served a wonderful Seuss themed meal. Cookies were provided by Lena’s Pizza for the lunch dessert.
Other giveaways (books and pencils) were provided by the district Parent Teacher Organization.
Buffalo Bill Harrison Phillips read “Sneetches” to Westfield classes this month.
“The Cat in the Hat” visited classrooms throughout the day to encourage reading and augment classroom photos. The Read Across America committee dressed as Sneetches to promote the day. Students were dressed in Dr. Seuss and Buffalo Bill attire. Many bulletin boards and hallways were decorated for the Sneetch theme.
The big surprise of the day was when Phillips joined our school Zoom meeting to read to the students. He read and answered questions that the children had on the Zoom chat. It was the first time this year that our entire elementary — remote and in-person — were together. The 30-minute event promoted a positive reading environment for the students. Read Across America Day has been celebrated since the late 1990’s at Westfield Elementary School.