Scorer’s table remembers teacher, club member Pacos

Pictured are Falcon Club Officers Tom Kawski, Tom Battaglia, Rob McAfee, Rich Jesse, Wally Adamowicz and Fritz Boettcher.
Those who were able to attend Fredonia High School basketball games this year, or any event in the Fredonia High School gym, may have noticed a new scorer’s table. The table was donated by the First Ward Falcons Club, and while featuring technological upgrades, also features a special dedication in honor of Roger Pacos.
“The Falcons Club reached out to us asking if there was any big purchase we were looking for,” said Fredonia Athletic Director Greg Lauer. “We had been looking for a new table for a year or so now, and it ended up being around the time that Roger Pacos died. He was a longtime bowling coach and teacher here, and a member of the First Ward club as well, so it worked out great that they wanted to do it in memory of him, and they donated the full amount. The table is certainly an upgrade over what we were dealing with before.”
Pacos had been retired for a couple years before he died on Nov. 1 at 56 years old. The impact Pacos left on Fredonia High School and the village as a whole is definitely still felt.
“He was a great teacher, and a great friend to a lot of us here,” Lauer said. “He was very active in the community, he was involved in the fire department and the village, and coaching sports and the bowling alley. Overall he was a fantastic guy.”
He served as a village trustee until his death, and was also a bowling coach at Fredonia High School. Pacos, who graduated from Bowling Green University, also previously served as a volunteer at the Fredonia Fire Department and as president of the Fredonia Teachers’ Association.
The score table at Fredonia High School is just the latest dedication in a line of things now dedicated to Pacos. Right after Pacos died, Fredonia Mayor Doug Essek looked to name the Trustees Room in the Village Hall after Pacos. On top of that, Lauer said that Fredonia High School will have a scholarship fund named after him, and Shorewood Country Club will host the first annual Roger Pacos Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament on June 25.
More information about the Golf Tournament can be found at the event’s Facebook page, entitled “1st Annual Roger Pacos Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament.”