
A Dazzling Display

Kirk’s Jewelers featuring pieces by city native

Pictured are Sharon and Kirk Frey with Natisha Mosier, in center.

Kirk and Sharon Frey of Kirk’s Jewelers are currently featuring new pieces in their collection, but with a special local connection. Dunkirk native and Buffalo resident Natisha Mosier will have some of her pieces featured in the store available for sale.

“It’s nice to see and highlight local talent that comes from Dunkirk,” said Sharon Frey.

The Freys first learned of Mosier’s work due to an article in Buffalo Magazine about her and her business, Blue Rochelle, which is where Kirk Frey noticed the Dunkirk connection and thought reaching out to her would be best. Mosier was equally delighted at the opportunity to work with Kirk and Sharon Frey.

“It’s the first time I’ve partnered with a jewelry store,” Mosier said. “My stuff is in little boutiques out here in Buffalo and in the Roswell gift shop, but this is the first store I’m in. I was so happy when they reached out to me. I can’t wait to see how everything is displayed.”

After the Frey’s reached out to Mosier, Mosier came down the next day as she was visiting family in Dunkirk anyway and brought down pieces of her collection and they are currently in store. Having done a few things similar in the past, the Frey’s were happy to make the local connection.

“Whenever we find anyone with a local connection we try to reach out,” said Sharon Frey. “People like that connection and want us to be a part of it and contribute to the success of young girls who are working to better themselves. It’s wonderful we’ll have pieces of her collection.”

Mosier began working with porcelain jewelry in 2018, taking ceramics classes once a month with her son, Jackson. Although Mosier’s background was in apparel design, doing the ceramics classes is where her love of making jewelry began.

“With product development, I was always researching different products,” Mosier said. “Working with tiny clay really interests me.”

And Mosier’s business has been growing outside of the new partnership with Kirk’s Jewelers. Since installing a kiln in her garage in 2019, Blue Rochelle’s business has consistently grown. Though it was pretty slow before the Buffalo Magazine article, business has escalated in the last several months.

“It was a pretty slow beginning to everything,” Mosier said. “Once I had a few shows under my belt and with the article in Buffalo Magazine, it just skyrocketed. I’m in another craft show this fall that I’ve heard is hard to get into. The little publicity I’ve gotten has been great.”

Blue Rochelle has grown so much that it’s gone from a hobby for Mosier into somewhat of a part time job. While balancing being a mom and a full-time job as a quality engineer, Mosier said that her biggest struggle can be finding time to make her jewelry. But that doesn’t stop Mosier from balancing everything and working in her family when she can.

“It’s kind of like a part time job. I do craft shows, and I’m in a couple local shops in the Buffalo area. It has been a challenge, but I’ll get up early in the morning and work, and do it on the weekend,” Mosier said. “I try to include my son and husband in the business.”

But for the struggles, Mosier is most excited about not only spending time with her family, but networking and meeting new people, like Kirk and Sharon Frey. While she didn’t know Kirk and Sharon Frey beforehand, meeting them and potentially others is what she is looking forward to the most about her business growing.

“I’ve networked so much since starting this business, and I’m excited to continue my path of creativity,” Mosier said. “I wouldn’t have been able to meet Kirk and Sharon without this. I’m looking forward to learning more about the jewelry industry. Kirk has offered to let me pick his brain and gave me contacts within the industry. I’m excited to have a knowledgeable person within the industry to work with.”

At 38 years old, Mosier is now getting outlets for her jewelry, and in the town she grew up in. Though her jewelry is already in various boutiques in Buffalo, this is the first time her pieces will be featured in her hometown. Both parties are equally happy to help each other out.

“She’s very passionate about creating her jewelry,” Frey said. “She’s a wonderful girl.”

More information about Natisha Mosier and Blue Rochelle can be found at https://bluerochelle.com/


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