P-TECH salutes students at the top

Current members joined new inductees into the WNY P-TECH National Honor Society during a recent celebration.
WNY P-TECH in Dunkirk recently celebrated the induction of six students into the National Honor Society.
Faculty, students and families gathered for an in-person event to recognize new inductees Jayden Chudy, Jay Gifford, Michael Mitchell and Liam Rivera of Dunkirk; Chace Fisher of Silver Creek; and Mason Grudzien.
“This is a very significant achievement for these students entering the National Honor Society. There are approximately 15.3 million students in the US eligible to be in the NHS but only 7 percent of the eligible student population actually make it in. You’re really in an elite group of students in the nation,” said Todd Tranum of the Manufacturer’s Association Southern Tier. “You made a really brave choice in that transition from eighth to ninth grade. You decided to enter the P-TECH program. Your choice will pay off. Right here in Chautauqua County there are over 200 manufacturers looking for workers with the skills you’re learning here at P-TECH. These companies desperately need you. Those 200 manufacturers ship over $5 billion worth of product from our county every year and they need your help, your expertise, getting those products out the door.”
New inductees were joined by current NHS members to perform the candlelighting ceremony and National Honor Society Pledge.
“Today’s ceremony indicates the continued excellence we as National Honor Society members represent,” said Jailene Jimenez, NHS president. “Our chapter serves as a role model for other students. In addition to our strong academic record, our chapter members are leaders in many student organizations and serve the school and community through a number of activities, including an outdoor campus cleanup, sending holiday cards to deployed service men and women, and a Christmas food collection. We’re proud of these accomplishments, especially during a difficult COVID year.”
P-TECH is an all-day program housed in a state-of-the-art facility located at 55 East Benton St., Dunkirk. Students enroll in P-TECH as ninth-graders and follow one of two pathways in welding and mechanical technology with specializations in CADD or machine tool and earn an associate degree through Jamestown Community College with no out-of-pocket expense.
Scholar athletes can participate in after-school clubs and sports for their home district and they can join the P-TECH National Honor Society, Student Council, or Dream It Do It Club. Participating school districts provide transportation to the program daily.