‘No One Forgets’ book on sixth edition

“No One Forgets” is available locally.
The latest and sixth edition of the book “No One Forgets” is now available locally at Kirk’s Jewelry, and at Papaya Arts on the Boardwalk in Dunkirk. The book, which documents all of the servicemen from Chautauqua County who have lost their lives in our nations wars, is in its 6th edition and hard cover. This edition also contains the electronic pdf and epub files for the book on DVD. Additionally there are five songs and a music video written and performed by local son Sean Patrick McGraw of Nashville, Tenn. Copies of the book on DVD or thumb drive are also available without the hard copy of the book.
This project is a not for profit collaboration between Richard Titus, John Kuzdale and John Fedyszyn of Dunkirk and George H Burns III and Ryan Deas of Fredonia. The book, which is approximately 500 pages long contains the pictures and narratives for many of these heroes, and the names of others where detailed information has not yet been located.
The project began in 2011 as a result of research Burns was doing for the annual Memorial Day service, and similar work Titus was involved in. The stories of these men were so compelling that the two decided to write a book so that the memories of those who gave their lives would not be lost to future generations. Initially, the book was focused on World War II and the communities of Dunkirk and Fredonia. As more research was conducted it was decided to include the entire county and to expand into all our nations conflicts.
Individuals with subject matter expertise were enlisted in this endeavor. Fedyszyn had first hand experience slugging it out in Vietnam and was the author for that section of the book. Likewise, Kuzdale is a War of 1812 expert and Deas has in depth knowledge of the Civil War.
Burns is the overall coordinator and writer of the sections on World Wars I and II, the Korean War, and the recent wars on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Titus does a lot of the legwork visiting local cemeteries and talking to surviving families.
The cover of each new edition features a local hero who’s story is particularly striking. The sixth edition features Staff Sergeant Harry M. Beightol of Mayville, who was killed on his final mission aboard a B-24 Liberator in World War II.
Most copies of the book are donated to surviving families and veterans, and local libraries. Families of veterans killed in our nations wars are welcome to provide information for future editions of the book. The project will perhaps never be complete as there are many names, particularly in the south county, where detailed information and pictures are not available