Delta Chi fraternity helps clean Greystone

Delta Chi fraternity members at pitch in at Greystone.
Delta Chi Fraternity of SUNY Fredonia recently spent three days giving service to Greystone Nature Preserve. The men did a variety of tasks including invasive species removal, ancillary garden activities, harvesting crops, and reassembling wood piles. All of this vigorous work was aimed at helping Greystone Nature Preserve to prepare for the upcoming winter season. Greystone Nature Preserve is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve 72 acres of Chautauqua County, removing invasive species and planting native trees and shrubs while nurturing native animal species. It also provides experiential environmental education to the surrounding areas schools, organizations, and individuals.
Delta Chi is a service based fraternity whose mission is to help college students who are looking for structure, direction and brotherhood.
Their chapter started at SUNY Fredonia in 1991, making this year their 30th anniversary.
Their goals are to promote friendship, advance justice, develop character, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education. Throughout their 30 year history in the Dunkirk and Fredonia area community service continues to be one of their main goals.
Current President Dylan Serrano, has said this about why they focus on giving back to the community they call home.
“We believe it is important to lend a helping hand because the community has been so supportive of our endeavors in fundraising and philanthropy. We just want to give back the support we have received and continue to be an organization that the people of our community are proud of. To often fraternities are looked upon as a black eye to a college town, causing trouble and disturbing the peace. We believe with the continued teaching of our values we can be quite the opposite, as an ally to our neighbors rather than a nuisance”.
Delta Chi plans on lending their help to various other causes including cleaning veteran headstones at Forest Hill Cemetery, working at Friendly Kitchen in Dunkirk serving breakfast and lunch to the less fortunate, and participating in Fredonia’s “Fall Sweep” run by the Applied Communications Association (ACA).
Delta Chi continues to explore the community for more opportunities to help.
If there are any organizations seeking their services, they can be contacted through their community service representative Jamison Horch by phone at (716) 248-4821 or email