Village backs Silver Creek school project
SILVER CREEK — The Silver Creek Central School District is continuing to attempt to build support for its upcoming capital project. This project, the main focus of which is the school’s track, has an estimated budget of $950,000.
This week, Silver Creek School Business Administrator Lisa Rohloff presented the project to the Silver Creek Village Board and was met with uniform support. “The board is in favor of it unanimously,” said Silver Creek Mayor Jeff Hornburg.
The school has been spending money over the past several years to keep the track functioning, but last fall, Silver Creek Superintendent Todd Crandall said that he went to the school board to propose a more permanent fix, as the patchwork was no longer effective.
“We weren’t even really planning this project, what we did was put money aside to do patch work each year until the next capital project,” said Crandall. “The first summer we put money in, it worked. The next summer, it worked. All the sudden, we were told if we put money in, it wasn’t even going to work… As a result, I went to the board last fall and said we needed an alternative. We couldn’t put money in and have it fixed.”
The track is also not the only part of the project. The focus of the project is to center each improvement around individual health and safety or preserving their assets. With that in mind, other parts of capital project include card swipes for the main entrance and bus garage, as well as cameras and a microphone system for the main entrance, on top of eye wash stations, fume hoods, and a replacement of the freight elevator, which is the original from 1958.
The next step in the process of the project hitting the voting ballot is a public hearing tonight at 6 in the Silver Creek High School Library. The vote is from 1 to 9 p.m. March 16.