
Grand theft uh-oh: Goodell’s car stolen from Capitol parking garage

Submitted Photo A New York State Trooper inspects Assemblyman Andrew Goodell’s vehicle after the car was stolen and later wrecked in an accident.

Joe Giglio thought Andy Goodell was joking Monday when Goodell said he thought someone stole his car from the state Capitol garage in Albany.

Goodell wasn’t joking. His car was indeed stolen Monday while Goodell, Giglio and the rest of the state Assembly were debating legislation on the Assembly floor. According to the New York Post, a man apparently stole a state Office of General Services uniform, stole Goodell’s car and later crashed it several blocks away.

Before stealing Goodell’s 2009 BMW 330xi, the thief had broken into several vehicles as well as storage room to steal a contractor’s tools. Goodell’s keys were in the car, according to the Post, and the car was unlocked when it was stolen.

“I drop off my laptop around 7 p.m., and Joe Giglio is with me,” Goodell said. “We walk to a reception and walk back and I said, ‘Hey Joe, someone stole my car.’ He says, “You’ve got to be kidding me. I dialed 911 and before I pressed send a state trooper came around the car on a regular patrol.”

Giglio gave Goodell a ride to the apartment Goodell rents in Albany. The next day was a busy one for Goodell. He walked the roughly two miles from his apartment to his Capitol office for a meeting, then had a second meeting before prepping for that day’s debate on 72 pieces of legislation pending before the Assembly.

During all that, police called saying they had found the totaled remains of Goodell’s vehicle. The wrecked Beamer was found a short distance from the Capitol after being involved in an accident. Goodell said the car thief allegedly pulled around a car stopped at a red light, went through the intersection and struck two cars.

“At the time of the accident the sunroof and all the windows were open,” Goodell said. “He was out joyriding with a car filled with stuff stolen from others. Here’s a guy in one night who stole stuff from the state, stole contractor’s tools, stole stuff from other people’s cars, stole my car and was involved in an accident where he left the scene of the accident. He’s pretty clever. In one night, he picked up two or three felonies and a couple of misdemeanors.”

Goodell said he appreciated the efforts of fellow legislators, particularly Giglio, who offered their help getting the Jamestown Republican from Albany to Jamestown when the week’s meetings were finished.

“The support I got from Joe Giglio was unquestioning, unequivocal,” Goodell said. “That was super. The support I got from the minority leader’s office finding me a temporary vehicle so I could get home, that was great. You’d be amazed how many of my colleagues offered to lend me one of their vehicles. Assemblyman Saka, for example, said, ‘Andy, I have a truck you can use.’ I asked him if it was a flatbed. It wasn’t, by the way. The last bright spot is because he had the accident before he could fence anything, I got almost everything back.”

Goodell said his Assembly badge, which he received 12 years ago when he was first sworn in, was found near an Albany hospital. Goodell’s laptop was still in the car when police responded to the wreck. A pocket knife Goodell received from an event years ago and a pair of sunglasses were the major losses — in addition to the BMW, of course.

“As you know, the cost of used cars has skyrocketed,” Goodell said. “If I were to buy the same vintage car I would pay about $4,000 more than what I paid for my car three years ago.”

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