Brigham Road detour drives city worry

OBSERVER Photo by M.J. Stafford Traffic detours past Brigham Road and Second Street in Dunkirk this week. A water line project is underway at the site.
The detour at Brigham Road and Second Street in Dunkirk drew complaints from a citizen at this week’s Common Council meeting.
Paul Somerfeldt, who lives near the detour route on Brooks Avenue, said, “in the little time I’ve been outside, I’ve noticed at least two vehicles blowing through the stop signs.”
He added, “Because there’s a playground there, I think there should be at least a temporary sign indicating there are children at play in the area. … I’ve noticed a reduction in use of the playground because of the traffic there.”
Council member James Stoyle asked Department of Public Works officials how much longer the detour will last. He was told it will last about a week longer.
“That detour and everything else was set up by a third party doing what they do, Comet Flasher,” said Deputy Director Michael Przybycien. “They submitted the detour map to us, it was filed with the police and fire (departments) so that they were aware of everything, and it should be wrapped up, we’re hoping, within a week.”
The project at Brigham and Second is part of the city’s push to add isolation valves to its water system, according to Randy Woodbury, the DPW’s director.
“Four are in as reported (in July) and this will add three more at a T junction,” he said Tuesday. The valves are intended to localize any water main breaks.