RIDE OF HONOR: Funds go to veterans

The Silver Creek VFW presented the Disabled American Charles Tinley Memorial Post 142 in Dunkirk a check for $1,351 which represented activities from their recent Bike Run. The check was presented to the DAV Chapter by Ray Hauck, bike run organizer, and Rodney Brinkman from the VFW at the September meeting of the chapter. They wish to thank all who donated including 1st Ward Falcon Club, AMVETS 6472, Applebees, Aunt Millie’s, Cabana Sams, Conservation Club, DeJohn’s Spaghetti House, Exempt Firemen’s Association, Gowanda Harley Davidson, Home Depot, Kathy’s Country Gifts, Moniuszko Social Club, Inc, Ralph Smith, Samuel Cimino VFW Post Number 6472, Signals, Silver Creek Overseas Veterans, Silver Creek Volunteer Fire Association, and Valvo’s Candies. Their support made the fundraiser possible. They also wish to thank all the bikers who signed up for the event and the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department for keeping them safe during the run.