Town of Arkwright shows concern over roads

OBSERVER Photos by Braden Carmen Arkwright Highway Superintendent Lisa Waldron shared a desire with the Town Board to post a weight limit on Christy Road.
ARKWRIGHT — It was a night full of resolutions at the Town Board meeting in Arkwright. But first, a project in the future led off the dialogue for the night.
A representative from the New York State Department of Transportation shared plans via video conference related to a future project to replace a large culvert off state Route 83. The project could begin as early as April 2023, but will more likely take place in 2024.
Once construction is underway, the project will likely close part of Route 83 with a detour to utilize Center Road, Route 39, County Route 93, and parts of Route 83.
“My concern is people will get creative with their own detours. When stuff like this happens, we end up with heavier traffic than our roads are designed for,” said Arkwright Town Supervisor Brian McAvoy.
The project will take another week to complete.
The concern for Arkwright’s road capabilities came up again later in the meeting, as the board passed a resolution to allow Highway Superintendent Lisa Waldron to impose a 10-ton weight limit along Christy Road. The town does not want overflow traffic from Route 60 to damage the newly repaired road.
Other resolutions passed at the meeting include an approval of a contract renewal of the Forestville Fire Contract, a new contract with the Teamsters Union regarding a new collective bargaining agreement, and the adoption of the 2023 Town Budget.
The board also made a new resolution to clarify terms and conditions with Clark Patterson Lee Architecture to solicit bids for the new town hall building. The only vote against the resolution was from Lynn Bedford, who has continually voiced her displeasure with the process of the building being built. Bedford does however share desire with the other board members to have the building constructed.
The next Arkwright Town Board meeting is Dec. 12, at which point a public hearing will be held for each of the following topics: code enforcement, cannabis dispensaries, and solar zoning.