

Sales include ministry headquarters located in Chautauqua Institution

A ministry that operates out of the grounds of Chautauqua Institution has sold its headquarters, with the proceeds to create perpetual endowments. The Post-Journal and OBSERVER have been analyzing real estate sales and recently looked at the sales from Jan. 13-24. During this time period, the ...

Testing the waters: SUNY Shark Tank event identifies future leaders

Every day, people all over the world come up with great ideas for new or better products and services that could make our lives better. Yet few of their dreams are ever realized. That’s because most people simply don’t know how to successfully bring their ideas to market. Encouraging for ...

Event tours open doors to P-TECH offerings

Area eighth-graders recently had the opportunity to explore the different pathways available at CAM P-TECH in Springville and WNY P-TECH in Dunkirk. Both centers held Discovery Days, where middle schoolers could tour the facility, meet staff, and interact with current students. The two ...

Returning the generosity: Fredonia student organizes April blood drive

At just six months old, Eleanor Seigel was diagnosed with high-risk infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2012. The chilling diagnosis was followed by chemotherapy treatments as Eleanor fought for her life. Now more than a decade later, Eleanor is fully recovered and thriving. Her brother, ...

Sonic site plan approved

The site plan for a proposed Sonic fast food restaurant on Route 60 was approved by the Fredonia Planning Board this week. Board members had a lengthy, detailed discussion over the plan. It was basically centered around this fact: Planners must attempt to please not only burger seekers, but ...

Brocton site ‘a terrible eyesore’ after fatal fire

BROCTON — A home that was destroyed in a fire that claimed the life of a man in Brocton on Christmas morning remains as a painful reminder for all those who pass by the site. Despite the Village’s best efforts thus far, debris at what was once a home at 98 Old Mill Road has not yet been ...