County responds to Falconer motel concerns
Chautauqua County officials say they are planning on moving away from hotels and use more shelters for the homeless population, adding that the solution will not be simple.
On Tuesday, the county issued a news release titled “Chautauqua County outlines solutions to decrease burdens on emergency housing.”
The news release appears to have been written in response to complaints over the last two months by Falconer residents and its mayor about the clientele at the Budget Inn.
At the county Legislature’s July and August meetings, residents called on officials to stop using the Budget Inn as a place to house people who are experiencing homelessness, saying they should be placed in cities where more resources are available.
Falconer Mayor Jim Jaroszynski not only spoke at the legislature meeting, but at two committee meetings as well. He expressed concerns about crime, and the burden the fire and police departments have faced over the last four years, since the Department of Social Services has used the facility.
In Tuesday’s news release, officials said the increased crime and disturbances surrounding emergency housing hotels, like the Budget Inn, are likely tied to a rise in substance abuse and mental health issues.
“These disorders go hand in hand,” said Carmelo Hernandez, director of Mental Hygiene and Social Services. “A lot of these folks falling on hard times likely suffer from both mental health and substance abuse issues.”
According to county officials, in the late 2000s, the Budget Inn agreed to serve as an emergency housing point for Chautauqua County and with other counties in New York state, including nearby Cattaraugus County, utilizing the location.
“For several years the Budget Inn has been willing to receive individuals in need,” said Jon Anderson, county deputy commissioner of Social Services. “It can be difficult for facilities to agree to accept this vulnerable population. For emergency shelter, we place those in need at any facility willing to work with us.”
Individuals who apply for emergency shelter must complete an application to determine assistance eligibility. There are requirements for maintaining on-going eligibility for assistance, although county officials say no one who is in need will be turned away.
Officials say the county’s DSS routinely seeks new hotels and other accommodations to see if they’d be willing to support and expand emergency shelter capacities.
“The number of homeless has greatly increased post-pandemic, with increased rent and costs forcing many on to the street,” Anderson said. “The limited supply of affordable housing and the low shelter allowance make it very difficult for many people to exit emergency assistance shelter to permanent stable housing.”
County officials say New York state’s shelter allowance has not been updated for households with families since 2003. According to the Empire Justice Center, the current shelter allowance for a family of three with children ranges from a low $259 a month to $447 a month. These amounts, officials argue, are not enough to cover the cost of any habitable rental unit in New York, falling hundreds of dollars below what the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development has determined to be fair market rents for the region.
“Transitional housing is an issue, it’s been an issue for many years,” Sheriff James Quattrone said. “It’s among our biggest concerns when releasing people from the Chautauqua County Jail. I agree that stable housing, combined with the right resources, is fundamental to our community’s success.”
Over time, officials say the goal is to move away from hotel use toward expanded shelters. They note that the county is working with the area’s Homeless Collation to identify priority areas.
“While a motel like the Budget Inn provides immediate public shelter, a long term structured support is vital to successes,” Hernandez said. “Emergency Housing, transition housing, supportive housing and affordable housing is key. We need to have professionals on site to assist those in need providing a continuum of care versus just satisfying an emergency need.”
Permanent supportive housing pairs affordable housing with case management and supportive services, which have been shown to not only help people experiencing chronic homelessness to achieve long-term housing stability, but also, improve their health and well-being.
In the news release, the county cites the National Alliance to End Homelessness, which says a chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer an average of $35,579 per year.
As previously reported in The Post-Journal and OBSERVER, $1.36 million was spent on temporary housing in Chautauqua County in 2022, up from $636,000 in 2021. Of the 2022 spending, $290,000 was paid to the Budget Inn for temporary housing services.
County officials say costs on average are reduced by 49.5 percent when homeless are placed in supportive housing. Supporting housing, the Alliance reports, costs on average $12,800, making the net savings roughly $4,800 per year.
The total number of homeless, and those at risk of homelessness, greatly increased post-pandemic in Chautauqua County, with Chautauqua Opportunities Inc. reporting from over 800 individuals in 2020, over 1,000 in 2021, to now nearly 1,500 in 2022.
“Homelessness is a pervasive social issue found not just in Chautauqua County, but throughout New York State and across our nation,” said County Executive PJ Wendel. “No one person, group or agency can solve this alone. As a community, we must come together to find solutions.”
In the end, Wendel says Social Services is an agency of last resort, but yet, cannot solve all issues or problems.
“We need leaders at all levels, federal, state and local, to join forces with residents throughout our community to come together for a common good and help those in need,” Wendel said. “As County Executive, I will remain committed to further expand resources from our Department of Mental Hygiene and Social Services to help our friends and neighbors overcome obstacles, get back on their feet and build a better life here in Chautauqua County.”